Organic Bananas and Biodynamic Bananas

Bananas are our main export product; they are harvested and packed under our supervision.
Bananas can not be left in the field to ripen, even for local consumption they are harvested green! The ripening process is initiated only 7-10 Days before consumption. This is done in special ripening chambers where controlled ripening is induced with ethylene gas (which is also naturally emitted by fruit) and higher temperatures.
Bananas are very delicate fruits, they have to withstand up to 30 Days of transit and storage without premature ripening or decay before they reach the consumer. Any slight bruising will or negligent cutting will cause funguses to penetrate the Bananas and cause premature ripening. Ripening fruit emits small amounts of ethylene gas, if only minimal amounts of fruit ripens prematurely during a shipping this could initiate the ripening of a whole container, representing often the total loss of the shipment.
As organic fruit can not be treated with fungicides as is common practice in conventional fruit, the challenge and risk is especially high, requiring especial supervision and handling in the field and the packing operation.
Regions of Cultivation
South-West region
Azua Valley and Barahona. Bananas from this region are outstanding in aroma and sweetness due to the very dry climate and quality of their soils.
Our own Biodynamic production of Bananas on Finca Girasol comprises about 12% of our Banana exports.
In our Azua Valley we are associated with the “Taino” Organic Banana Growers Association, COOPROBATA, with over 160 small growers cultivating bananas on 240 Ha., structured in 7 “Nucleos”. APROBATA is registered with the fair-trade organization “FLO / Max Havelaar” which guarantees a minimum cost covering price and an additional premium for social improvements.
North-West region
Mao-Valverde / Monte Cristi
Here we purchase from cooperative growers and medium sized farms.
YIELDS of export quality bananas under conventional/chemical conditions in the country are in the range of 32Tons per Ha. our average is about 25 Tons per Ha per year.
Variety: Cavendish "Grand Nain"
Area of Production
Own production:
Finca Girasol: 70Ha
Contract Growers:
160 small “Fair Trade” growers: 240Ha
12 medium sized growers: 110Ha
Total area in Bananas: 420Ha
Oversea transit time
Europe: 11 Days – USA: 5 Days
Trade Names and Labels
“DEMETER” Biodynamic – “TAINO” Organic Bananas.
Organic “Fair Trade” Bananas: “Max Havelaar / Taino” and “Rättvisemärkt”
Cartons of 18.2 kg (other choice possible)
Potential export volume
+- 10 Containers @ 960 boxes / Week
48cs / Pallet 20 Pallets per Container